Successful customer relationship management means quickly detecting the needs and expectations of your customers and preventing their complaints as much as possible. In case of customer dissatisfaction, the solution must be immediate, otherwise the customer may reject your brand.

In this article, you will discover how the conversational agent allows you to have a successful customer relationship and satisfied customers!

  1. Immediate availability

It must have already happened to you:

  • Waiting for a long time on the phone for a brand’s hotline to answer.
  • Writing an e-mail to the customer service department and waiting several days for a reply.

Thanks to a chatbot, it is over!

Since the bot is available 24/7, your customers will get an immediate response. A metabot (multi-skilled chatbot) like solves customer problems in a few minutes. Your customer service is therefore relieved, and this also ensures greater satisfaction from your customers!

  1. Multi-channel communication

With a chatbot, companies can have a live conversation with their customers on their website.  Using a metabot like also allows you to have discussions in your Digital Workplace and in Microsoft Teams. Indeed, integrates natively with Microsoft Teams and all the applications of the Microsoft 365 suite. This means that companies using a conversational agent can offer users the widest possible choice of contact options.

  1. Simplified information research

It is sometimes difficult to find what we are looking for on a website or a commercial site. It is not uncommon for a user to spend several minutes trying to find what they need.

That’s why bots that can handle a large amount of information exist; they help your customers find what they are looking for. In seconds, they can search a database for the information they need and make it available to the user –’s response time on Teams and SharePoint is only 0.8 seconds.


Finding the right information quickly saves time and increases customer satisfaction.

Thanks to a chatbot platform, the user experience is improved!

If you have a bot project in your company, please feel free to contact our teams!